Tips And Tricks For Anxious Fliers.

Tips And Tricks For Anxious Fliers.

Tips and Tricks for Nervous Fliers: How to Stay Calm in the Sky

Flying can be a nerve-wracking experience for many, whether it’s the thought of turbulence, the confined space, or simply the idea of being so high up in the air. If you’re someone who dreads flying, you’re not alone. But with the right strategies, you can ease your anxiety and even start to enjoy your time in the sky. Here are some practical tips and tricks for nervous fliers to help you stay calm and collected during your flight.

1. Understand Your Fear

One of the first steps in overcoming flight anxiety is understanding what specifically makes you nervous. Is it the fear of heights, the idea of losing control, or maybe the thought of turbulence? Once you identify the root of your fear, you can address it more effectively. For example, if turbulence worries you, learning about how planes are designed to handle it can be reassuring.

2. Educate Yourself About Flying

Knowledge is power, and understanding how flying works can help demystify the experience. Here are a few key points that might ease your mind:

  • Safety: Flying is statistically one of the safest modes of transportation.
  • Turbulence: It’s a normal part of flying and rarely poses any danger to the plane.
  • Aircraft Design: Planes are built to withstand extreme conditions far beyond what they encounter in regular flights.

By learning more about the mechanics and safety measures involved in flying, you can reduce the fear of the unknown.

3. Arrive at the Airport Early

Rushing through security and to your gate can add unnecessary stress. Give yourself plenty of time to check in, go through security, and find your gate. The extra time will allow you to settle in and get comfortable before boarding.

4. Choose the Right Seat

Your seat choice can significantly impact your comfort level during the flight:

  • Aisle Seat: If you’re prone to claustrophobia or need to move around, an aisle seat gives you more freedom.
  • Over the Wings: This area tends to experience less turbulence compared to the front or back of the plane.
  • Window Seat: If you enjoy looking out the window, this seat might distract you from your anxiety. Conversely, if heights make you nervous, an aisle seat might be better.

5. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a powerful tool for calming your nerves. Before and during your flight, try the following exercise:

  • Inhale deeply through your nose for 4 seconds.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth for 6-8 seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle until you feel your anxiety decrease.

This technique helps regulate your body’s stress response and brings your focus back to the present moment.

6. Distract Yourself

Keeping your mind occupied can help prevent it from spiralling into anxiety. Here are some ways to distract yourself:

  • Watch a Movie: Load up your device with movies or TV shows that you enjoy.
  • Listen to Music or Podcasts: Create a calming playlist or listen to an engaging podcast.
  • Read a Book or Magazine: Bring along a book or magazine that captures your interest.
  • Engage in a Puzzle: Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, or a game on your phone can keep your mind busy.

7. Stay Hydrated and Avoid Caffeine

Dehydration and caffeine can exacerbate anxiety. Drink plenty of water before and during your flight, and try to avoid or limit caffeine. Opt for herbal teas, such as chamomile, which have a calming effect.

8. Use Visualization Techniques

Visualization can help shift your focus from anxiety to a more positive and relaxing state:

  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful, safe place, such as a beach, forest, or cosy room.
  • Picture every detail—the sounds, smells, and sights—and immerse yourself in the experience.
  • Stay in this visualization for a few minutes, letting the calmness wash over you.

9. Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in your body, which can help release physical tension and anxiety:

  • Start by tensing the muscles in your feet, holding for 5 seconds, and then releasing.
  • Move up through your legs, abdomen, arms, and finally your face, tensing and relaxing each muscle group.
  • This process can help you feel more physically relaxed and mentally calm.

10. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness involves staying present in the moment and accepting it without judgment. If you start to feel anxious, try to focus on your breathing, the feeling of the seat beneath you, or the sounds around you. Acknowledge your anxiety without trying to fight it, and gently bring your focus back to the present moment.

11. Talk to the Flight Attendants

Flight attendants are trained to help passengers who feel nervous. Let them know if you’re feeling anxious—they can offer reassurance and check in on you throughout the flight. Sometimes just knowing someone is there to support you can make a big difference.

12. Consider Professional Help

If your fear of flying is severe, you might benefit from professional help. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is effective for many people with flight anxiety. Some therapists specialize in treating fear of flying and can help you develop coping strategies.


While flying might always come with a bit of anxiety, it doesn’t have to be a paralyzing experience. By preparing ahead of time, practicing relaxation techniques, and staying informed, you can significantly reduce your fear and start to enjoy the adventure of air travel. Remember, you’re not alone—many people experience nervousness when flying, and with these tips, you can take control of your anxiety and make your flight a more peaceful experience. Safe travels!

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